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brioche buchty

buchty brioche, how to make buchty brioche, Old Fashioned Stuffed Cabbage Rolls near me.

buchty brioche

When i check search in google about this recipe i found a lot of people looking for restaurant or place where they can find and eat this buchty brioche so i decided to give you this recipe, about how to make buchty brioche quick and easy to make....

 For 6 persons

 Preparation: 30 mins

 Cooking: 30 mins


 500g flour

 15 g fresh baker's yeast

 20 cl heavy cream

 60g of sugar

 2 eggs

 100ml with milk

 1.5 tsp salt


 Place the salt then the flour in the bowl of the food processor, put the crumbled yeast and the sugar in the centre.  Add the beaten eggs, milk, cream.

 Knead the dough for about ten minutes then cover it and let it rest for 1h30 in a warm place so that it doubles in volume.

 buchty brioche

 buchty brioche

 Degas then pour the dough on a flour work surface.  Divide the dough into 12 equal parts and shape into balls.  Place them in a square or rectangular dish (but rounds are not prohibited).  Space them well.  Cover and let rise again for 1h to 1h30, they will end up touching each other.

 buchty brioche

 Bake for 30 minutes in a preheated oven at 150°C (th.5).

 Leave to cool on a wire rack and sprinkle with icing sugar.

buchty briochešŸ¤¤

brioche buchty

buchty brioche, how to make buchty brioche, Old Fashioned Stuffed Cabbage Rolls near me.

buchty brioche

When i check search in google about this recipe i found a lot of people looking for restaurant or place where they can find and eat this buchty brioche so i decided to give you this recipe, about how to make buchty brioche quick and easy to make....

 For 6 persons

 Preparation: 30 mins

 Cooking: 30 mins


 500g flour

 15 g fresh baker's yeast

 20 cl heavy cream

 60g of sugar

 2 eggs

 100ml with milk

 1.5 tsp salt


 Place the salt then the flour in the bowl of the food processor, put the crumbled yeast and the sugar in the centre.  Add the beaten eggs, milk, cream.

 Knead the dough for about ten minutes then cover it and let it rest for 1h30 in a warm place so that it doubles in volume.

 buchty brioche

 buchty brioche

 Degas then pour the dough on a flour work surface.  Divide the dough into 12 equal parts and shape into balls.  Place them in a square or rectangular dish (but rounds are not prohibited).  Space them well.  Cover and let rise again for 1h to 1h30, they will end up touching each other.

 buchty brioche

 Bake for 30 minutes in a preheated oven at 150°C (th.5).

 Leave to cool on a wire rack and sprinkle with icing sugar.

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