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carrot cake



When i check search in google about this cake i found a lot of people looking for restaurant or place where they can find and eat this CARROT CAKE so i decided to give you this recipe, about how to make CARROT CAKE quick and easy to make....



2 cups flour (250 grams)

3/4 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

2 teaspoons cinnamon

2 cups sugar (400 grams)

1 1/4 cups vegetable oil (250 grams)

4 large eggs (room temperature)*

3 cups shredded carrots (approximately 3 large or 5 medium)

1/2 cup pecans (63 grams)

*remove from fridge 30-45 minutes before using.


1/2 cup butter (softened)

5 ounces cream cheese (140 grams)

5 cups powdered sugar (600 grams)

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 cup half and half cream (60 grams)


1/2 cup chopped pecans (63 grams)


Pre heat oven to 350 degrees (180 degrees celcius), Grease and flour 2 8 or 9 inch cake pans (20 or 23 cm)

In a small bowl combine all dry the ingredients excluding sugar, carrots and pecans.

In a large bowl beat the oil and sugar together for 1 minute, then add the eggs and beat together another minute, add the dry ingredient mixture beating for another minute, add the shredded carrots and 1/2 a cup of the chopped nuts(if desired) combining together with a wooden spoon.

Pour into prepared cake pans and bake in pre heated oven for approximately 30-35 minutes, test for doneness with a toothpick, if a few crumbs stick to it or it is dry then the cake is done. Let the cake cool before removing from the pans.


In a medium bowl beat together butter and cream cheese on medium-high speed until creamy approximately 1 minute. Lower speed to medium and add powdered sugar, 1 cup at a time, beat well after each addition. Add salt, half and half and vanilla and beat until fluffy, about 3 minutes.

Let the cake cool completely then ice with prepared icing. Top with chopped pecans if desired. 


10 Things You Didn’t Know About Carrots:

1. Dutch people were the ones who first cultivated the orange carrot that we know today. They did that in honor of Dutch Royal Family called the House of Orange.

2. Of all vegetable crops in India that are considered to be economically important, carrot is listed among the top 10.

3. There is a physical condition called carotenemia. It is a condition where the soles and palms turn yellowish orange. This happens when someone eats large quantities of carrots.

4. Of all known vegetables except for beet, carrots are known to have highest naturally occurring sugar content. So, beet take number 1 position while carrots take second position in terms of sweet vegetables. No wonder carrots make a wonderful snack even when eaten raw.

5. Did you know that carrots are far more nutritious when they are cooked and eaten rather than being eaten raw? This is exactly opposite of every known vegetable in world. The reason for this is the cell walls of carrots are very tough and it is very difficult to digest the cell walls. When cooked, these cell walls break and release the nutrients, making cooked carrot far more nutritious.

6. Talking of dogs, carrots are perfectly safe for them. Yes, you can feed carrots to your dogs. Don’t feed chocolate though. Chocolates can kill your dog.

7. Baby carrots that are usually considered as a common and delicious snack are actually rejected carrots. These Baby carrots are nothing but normal carrots (of normal size) that did not have uniform growth and were full of markings and deep groves. The manufacturers take these ugly looking carrots and shape and trim them to give them a pleasant appearance and then sell them as baby carrots.

8. There are some people who simply cannot eat carrots not because they don’t like it but because they are highly allergic to carrots. In 2010 a study was conducted across Europe where it turned out that 3.6% Europeans have carrot allergies. The number may actually be more because the study was limited with the sample number. No one knows why people are allergic to carrots.

9. It is a common notion that carrot leaves (the green leaves that are above the ground) are not edible. Well, that’s wrong! They are completely edible. However, there may be some toxins and hence, it is advised that the leaves should be plucked when they are still young and cooked or fried thoroughly before eating in order to destroy all toxins.

10. Carrot seeds are so small that 2,000 seeds can accommodate in a simple teaspoon. Whoa! That was unexpected!



carrot cake



When i check search in google about this cake i found a lot of people looking for restaurant or place where they can find and eat this CARROT CAKE so i decided to give you this recipe, about how to make CARROT CAKE quick and easy to make....



2 cups flour (250 grams)

3/4 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

2 teaspoons cinnamon

2 cups sugar (400 grams)

1 1/4 cups vegetable oil (250 grams)

4 large eggs (room temperature)*

3 cups shredded carrots (approximately 3 large or 5 medium)

1/2 cup pecans (63 grams)

*remove from fridge 30-45 minutes before using.


1/2 cup butter (softened)

5 ounces cream cheese (140 grams)

5 cups powdered sugar (600 grams)

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 cup half and half cream (60 grams)


1/2 cup chopped pecans (63 grams)


Pre heat oven to 350 degrees (180 degrees celcius), Grease and flour 2 8 or 9 inch cake pans (20 or 23 cm)

In a small bowl combine all dry the ingredients excluding sugar, carrots and pecans.

In a large bowl beat the oil and sugar together for 1 minute, then add the eggs and beat together another minute, add the dry ingredient mixture beating for another minute, add the shredded carrots and 1/2 a cup of the chopped nuts(if desired) combining together with a wooden spoon.

Pour into prepared cake pans and bake in pre heated oven for approximately 30-35 minutes, test for doneness with a toothpick, if a few crumbs stick to it or it is dry then the cake is done. Let the cake cool before removing from the pans.


In a medium bowl beat together butter and cream cheese on medium-high speed until creamy approximately 1 minute. Lower speed to medium and add powdered sugar, 1 cup at a time, beat well after each addition. Add salt, half and half and vanilla and beat until fluffy, about 3 minutes.

Let the cake cool completely then ice with prepared icing. Top with chopped pecans if desired. 


10 Things You Didn’t Know About Carrots:

1. Dutch people were the ones who first cultivated the orange carrot that we know today. They did that in honor of Dutch Royal Family called the House of Orange.

2. Of all vegetable crops in India that are considered to be economically important, carrot is listed among the top 10.

3. There is a physical condition called carotenemia. It is a condition where the soles and palms turn yellowish orange. This happens when someone eats large quantities of carrots.

4. Of all known vegetables except for beet, carrots are known to have highest naturally occurring sugar content. So, beet take number 1 position while carrots take second position in terms of sweet vegetables. No wonder carrots make a wonderful snack even when eaten raw.

5. Did you know that carrots are far more nutritious when they are cooked and eaten rather than being eaten raw? This is exactly opposite of every known vegetable in world. The reason for this is the cell walls of carrots are very tough and it is very difficult to digest the cell walls. When cooked, these cell walls break and release the nutrients, making cooked carrot far more nutritious.

6. Talking of dogs, carrots are perfectly safe for them. Yes, you can feed carrots to your dogs. Don’t feed chocolate though. Chocolates can kill your dog.

7. Baby carrots that are usually considered as a common and delicious snack are actually rejected carrots. These Baby carrots are nothing but normal carrots (of normal size) that did not have uniform growth and were full of markings and deep groves. The manufacturers take these ugly looking carrots and shape and trim them to give them a pleasant appearance and then sell them as baby carrots.

8. There are some people who simply cannot eat carrots not because they don’t like it but because they are highly allergic to carrots. In 2010 a study was conducted across Europe where it turned out that 3.6% Europeans have carrot allergies. The number may actually be more because the study was limited with the sample number. No one knows why people are allergic to carrots.

9. It is a common notion that carrot leaves (the green leaves that are above the ground) are not edible. Well, that’s wrong! They are completely edible. However, there may be some toxins and hence, it is advised that the leaves should be plucked when they are still young and cooked or fried thoroughly before eating in order to destroy all toxins.

10. Carrot seeds are so small that 2,000 seeds can accommodate in a simple teaspoon. Whoa! That was unexpected!


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